amusing little flash
Nice touch with that crowd going wild when you turn all on. Actually made go through it a couple of times.
Maybe I'm too easily amused..
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amusing little flash
Nice touch with that crowd going wild when you turn all on. Actually made go through it a couple of times.
Maybe I'm too easily amused..
Thanks for coment, man. I just have watched yours "The Match", very nice movie.
just t3sting ur translat0r h3r3...
..app3ars t0 w0rk. anyway, it's n0t t3h 0nly i'v3 s33n, but @ l3ast it has 3astz0r 3ggs in. w0rth saving anyway.
as 4 t3h 3ggs:
n0lif3rs h0m3
wannab3 t3rr0rist
t3h 5 am3rican idi0ts
;-) hehe
Nice find =D
But there are like 100 more though. Good luck =P
m8, I will so use this
Not to mention I'm in need of some fresh insults for the toon I'm working on. So thanx m8-)
How about:
testicle wart
Thanks I'll add those :D
haha, 1337 indeed
Dude, that was freaking awesome. Great style, great idea.
Gameplay is somewhat lacking - you could make stuff like crouching & jumping on enemies, and it's too easy not to fall, so you could tweak the hittest a bit.
But nevermind that, You get a straight A based on style alone.
thanks =)
If i make a 3rd game i'll be sure to use those ideas
Hahaha, I caught the damned thing!
That bloody roach is the single most annoying game character ever. You should be proud of your l33t scripting skillz since the damned thing acts as the real roach would. I caught this game on fK already, it's cool you've submitted here, it deserves a bigger audience. Thumbs up & kuddoz!
Cool thanks for the review! I noticed I removed the easter egg for the flashkit version, check it out again, and find it!
awesome - and you'll get all 10's when done
I have a feeling that this'll be my favorite once finished. It's really something. I second the Disfunction's comment, not much to add. Perhaps a bit bigger screen for better visibility.
And submit to alphas next time around.
Do finish this. d(")b
thankyou for your review. i will submit to the alphas next time, i didnt know it existed (o.O)
w00t w00t!!
Man, this is absolutely awesome!
Btw, I loved those comics of yours, too (espec. siblings).
Keep up the good work.
thanks :D
those comics are also time wasters - haha
Yep, I'm a sucker for these.
Just make more levels, more enemies, more everything!
its on the way
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Age 49, Male
design & animaton
Zagreb, RH
Joined on 2/15/05