This will be blammed over my dead body only. It may be crappy m8 (well, it is crappy, to be honest about it), but it's hillarious, and even more - it's got balls!
This will be blammed over my dead body only. It may be crappy m8 (well, it is crappy, to be honest about it), but it's hillarious, and even more - it's got balls!
Heh, I even said it was a crappy spoof. :P I don't really understand how it was submitted. XD
Hmm, as far as the art goes - great work.
Pretty bad taste, but that's artist's prerogative.
What I really find distasteful is the amount of hypocrisy throughout the reviews - all these people with threatening & violent responses hiding behind excuses like humanity & christianity. If they truly followed their religion, they should mention the author in their prayers, not curse him, right?
Then again, I'm no christian, maybe I've misunderstood the basic message to christianity.
There's this little thing called freedom of expression. If you don't like this, simply don't look at it.
Sure you people have the right to express your opinion, but try being less hypocritical about it.
all my awesomes are belong to this
This movie deserves the number one it holds. I hope to see much more by the author. What strikes me most is its flawlesness - whenever I look at flash I also check for errors (just training my eye, nothing malicious), but I couldn't find any to this movie.
Hehe, what I did find is an easterEgg comic. But I'm not telling ;-p
Much <3 & respect to SamBakZa for making his awesome movies.
w00t, Pixies!
You're half right, it sort of didn't make much sense cuz I'm not familiar with the penguin jam series, but it did tell the story (or at least I gathered one in my head).
Anyway, great choice of music & I like your sense of shape & color (or lack there of). I didn't like the movement, espec. at the bowling part, but who cares. I like the whole thing in general.
one Q though: where can I find the penguin jam series?
They're right here on newgrounds, headed by cool_penguin_0. Basically a collection of quick sketchy films, lacking sense and only pulled together by their foccus on penguins.
This is the Firth ripoff. Music, twitching, the works. Sad, since you appear to have some talent of your own.
Graphics - 5 - not shabby, not great
Style - 0 - cause it's someone else's style
Sound 7 - really good
meh meh meh
Overall - 0 - cause it's a copy.
Use your own ideas, I'm sure you'll do just fine.
Thanks about the sound, it's kind of encouraging to hear people say they liked it because composing is what I want to go on and do. This is the first animation I've ever done, and if anything I was inspired by Tim Burton. David who? :P
Great flash, a few neat tricks - I like how you handled the guy's teeth when he smiled. And I like the pace - really dynamic, fast, yet easy to follow.
& that crap burst at the end, that was about the funniest thing I've seen this week.
Love it
This is the single greatest piece of flash I ever did see. Graphics, surreal ambience, audio.. Everything is supreme.
I cannot wait to see more of this.
Ugh, it itches.
Hi. Nice of you to drop by. I'm your friend, will you be my friend, too?
Age 49, Male
design & animaton
Zagreb, RH
Joined on 2/15/05