The Incredible Machine clone! w00t w00t!
The Incredible Machine clone! w00t w00t!
awesome - and you'll get all 10's when done
I have a feeling that this'll be my favorite once finished. It's really something. I second the Disfunction's comment, not much to add. Perhaps a bit bigger screen for better visibility.
And submit to alphas next time around.
Do finish this. d(")b
thankyou for your review. i will submit to the alphas next time, i didnt know it existed (o.O)
w00t w00t!!
Man, this is absolutely awesome!
Btw, I loved those comics of yours, too (espec. siblings).
Keep up the good work.
thanks :D
those comics are also time wasters - haha
Yep, I'm a sucker for these.
Just make more levels, more enemies, more everything!
its on the way
Really, I like it, espec when it sticks the tongue out. What I think could be added:
- bigger zoom possibility (so you can save face only)
- sunGlasses
- maxHeadroom background (lol)
- few more faces
- vampire teeth, devil's horns, angel wings...
I like it, it's refreshing. I'd suggest you build it up - put the music in, make some sort of levels with different enemies, work on the art some more... If polished, I think it could easily go to blue cause it's very catchy. Great job so far.
Mate, the fact that you put 'Over the hills' for your soundrack got you one extra grade.
But the game's c00l regardless.
Not bad...
You should have hitTest on top of the barrel only, so the waste can't be collected if you hit it with the sides.
Could make various things with var. damage/score falling down.
Overall, needs more work, but is ok even as it is.
Great work so far
Has great potential, I'd like to see it completed. Actually, I think it's potentially one of the most appealing flash games I've seen. Love the physics - bouncing was great idea.
Suggest: more levels, more enemies (maybe some classic micMo's enemies), more weapons. Leave the turkey boss though - it kicks ass.
Some useful stuff there.
Wish you've made navigation a bit more user-friendly -> like an option to jump directly to specific parts of the tute...
Thumbs up neverThaLess.
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Age 49, Male
design & animaton
Zagreb, RH
Joined on 2/15/05